Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Not my job to find and anoint the true church

Does the Lord really expect all believers to correctly choose the ecclesial community that is the one and only true one? For a long time I have felt that burden, until it paralyzed me spiritually and robbed me of joy and hope.

There is much to love about Orthodoxy: the worship is Christo-centric and there is valid claim of historical precedence and faithfulness to the Gospel. I can be at home in an Orthodox community.

There is no shortage of vibrant local Roman Catholic parishes, in the sense that the worship is vibrant and social justice is on the agenda. Catholic parishes don't get community, by my observation. Holy Family in Inverness is the exception.

Protestant churches are all over the map theologically and very few get the Biblical teaching about the Eucharist right. You would think it would be very easy to believe Jesus' own words. Instead every effort is made not to appear to be catholic. But the evangelical churches do seem to have a handle on community. When I attend an evangelical church, I often have the unmistakable sense that "these people care about me."

It is clear to me that every one of these Churches is full of people who love the Lord and seek to please him.

Last Sunday, at Holy Family Catholic there was an altar call after the service. We were invited to place our hands on the altar and leave our spiritual burdens and take the spiritual blessings we needed. I participated in this exercise and came away with a strong sense that it is not my burden to anoint the true church.

For me the issue has to be about my being open to community. Needing other people and letting them need me. No matter what faith community I invest myself in, I will be in the unique position of being called to help them build bridges to others in the Christian family who may be at different places on the theological spectrum.

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